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https://www.powerhousesupplement.com/formax-lean/, Formax Lean
Formax Lean Having done a certain number of pushes for one side, move it to the other side and repeat. Exercise for advanced: stand in front of the wall (cabinet, thumbs) so that this distance slightly exceeds your own height. Without bending your legs, bend over, take hold of the roller and push it all the way into the wall, then return to the starting position in the same way. Analog of the previous one, only more complicated, since there is no limiter. From a standing position, bend down without bending the legs, and roll back the roller so that the body is fully straightened and the chest touched the floor. After a 2-3-second pause, return to its original position. These exercises are performed in 2-4 sets with 10-20 repetitions. By the 5th and 6th, it is worthwhile to start only after the first 4 are well mastered. Exercise 4 for girls is not necessary, since the muscles of the lateral abdominal muscles will make the waist wider. Article on the topic: " Exercises for posture at home " To ensure that the technique was perfect, carefully look at the photos and videos for this article. Pay special attention to proper breathing. Here are some more important points: Exercises should be done on an empty stomach, one and a half to two hours after eating. The movement should occur smoothly, slowly, so that the movie does not roll itself, and you controlled its movement. Bodibar - extremely useful sports equipment, especially for girls and for women. Often it is called “female barbell”. This is a metal stick with a rubber coating 90-120 cm long and weighing from 1.5 to 18 kg, therefore, when choosing a bodybuilder, you need to focus on your height and level of physical fitness.

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