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https://www.worldhealthcart.com/massive-male-plus/, Massive Male Plus
Massive Male Plus Experts recommend storing contraceptives in a cool dry place. For example, in the bedside table. And if sex is scheduled unexpectedly, you can always look at the pharmacy. 3. Reuse condom As it turned out, many people practice reusing a condom. For example, if the partner did not manage to finish, and the condom is already wearing, then it can be removed, "putting aside" until better times. Funny Rather sad. And some "economists" use one condom for several ejaculations (if sexual intercourse takes place one after the other, with short breaks). Motivate it like this: "Why waste money? Yes, and he's rubber." Experts warn: if you do not want surprises from Venus and Stork, take it as a rule - one condom can be put on once, no more. Ejaculation occurred or not, does not matter. 4. Ignore the expiration date of the condom Often you look at the date of manufacture on the package with condoms? Never. And in vain! Bear in mind: on long-standing or expired condoms, invisible to the common eye may appear cracks, which makes the condom an unreliable protection. 5. Open the packaging with a condom with scissors As well as other cutting objects or teeth. Consider passion with passion, haste in a hurry, but barbaric methods of removing a condom from the packaging can spoil the product. 6. Do not remove the condom after sex Experts warn: sperm can splash out of the condom when the penis begins to shrink after ejaculation. It is recommended to remove the penis from the vagina immediately after intercourse, while holding the upper part of the condom with your fingers. 7. Ignore lubrication when using a condom. According to experts, even if the condom is worn correctly, it can break. Therefore, you should always use a lubricant or condoms containing lubricant. If you are tired of exciting a girl, make her aroused herself. For many years, men have been brainwashed by Rule No. 1: a woman in bed needs foreplay, foreplay, and once again foreplay.
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