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http://body4life.org/freshly-bloom-keto/, Freshly Bloom Keto
Freshly Bloom Keto Dermatologist Tatiana Jerez of the Society of Dermatology says that if the fat removed in the first session has not been enough, a second session can be done about two months after the first one in the same place. "There are no maintenance sessions, to maintain the result obtained should avoid weight gain through the traditional means: controlled diet and practice of physical activity." According to the company that produces the CoolSculpting, pioneering device that was developed at Harvard for cryolipolysis, the session price ranges from $ 1,500 to 2,500 *. Goodbye to fat in the belly Cryolipolysis can only be done on some parts of the body, in which the tips fit. "In the face, for example, you can not do it because the applicator does not fit," explains Mariana. It can also be difficult to apply on the breeches. Abdomen, flanks, outer arm portions and thighs can be treated. There is the prospect of the early launch of tips that fit other parts of the body. "The patient will be able to treat areas of any size with cryolipolysis, but in a larger area the procedure should be divided into two moments in the same section, so that the whole area is treated," explains the dermatologist Mariana. Unlocked until summer Dermatologist Maria Paula Del Nero, also of the Society of Dermatology, explains that the treatment time of an area of 20 by 20 centimeters lasts approximately one hour. The good news is that cryolipolysis can be done in more than one region on the same day without risk to the patient. Cryolipolysis can be done in any season, including summer. "But if you want the results to be noticed at the beach and sun season, it is best to schedule it sooner, since the full result takes two to three months to appear," says Mariana. No specific preparation is required for cryolipolysis. Dermatologist Mariana Barbato says that you can eat and exercise normally before and after treatment. "You also do not need any laboratory examination to undergo the technique."



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